Happy Nude Year Everyone!

There's nothing nude in this thread! Liar! :cussing::thefinger :tongue:

Obama's no better than either Bush. :hatsoff:

Trust me, you don't want to see nude pics of me unless your psycho :rolleyes:

Historians have said Bush Jr. is the worst president in U.S. history so yes, Obama is definitely better than Bush

Will E Worm

Trust me, you don't want to see nude pics of me unless your psycho :rolleyes:

Historians have said Bush Jr. is the worst president in U.S. history so yes, Obama is definitely better than Bush

I don't want to see you nude. :rolleyes:

Historians have been wrong before.


Lord Dipstick
I hope the next 10 years are good and better than the last nightmare of a decade was thanks to Bush's buddies in the Supreme Court who selected that goddamned SOB Bush Jr. as our Dictator in Chief :rolleyes:

That was nine fucking years ago! Get over it! Bore knew the rules going in and when he didn't win started crying like a little bitch. Was Bush a complete tool? Yes. So is daddy O. So is every single person who runs for the Presidency. Acknowledge and move on. Why can't we all just get a long....neck?:glugglug::wave2:


sounds good to me. happy new year everyone :hatsoff:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Trust me, you don't want to see nude pics of me unless your psycho :rolleyes:

Historians have said Bush Jr. is the worst president in U.S. history so yes, Obama is definitely better than Bush

Historians, huh? Jimmy Carter seems to be the consensus of most for worst contemporary president. I seem to remember Millard Fillmore, Calvin Coolidge, Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover were ineffective as well. Every president will have his detractors. While W. had his faults, he remained steadfast in his beliefs that what he was doing, while unpopular, was the correct course of action. He knew he was going to take a hit in the polls after making some decisions and he still did what was best.

The person to blame for that whole fiasco with the 2000 election is Goreleone. After every recount in Florida Bush's lead only grew larger. Instead of accepting his loss graciously he went to court and the justices there did the only thing they could do. And afterward Gore did everything in his ability to undermine Bush.

Whereas with Nobama, there seems to be no definitive course except to blame those who have gone before him. That Red Wing stated it succinctly. Move on to another target.

As for me, I'm just going to put you on the ignore list because you give me a case of the ass every time I see something you've posted.
Trust me, you don't want to see nude pics of me unless your psycho :rolleyes:

Historians have said Bush Jr. is the worst president in U.S. history so yes, Obama is definitely better than Bush

Again, I hate GW Bush, but what "historians" ever claimed he was the worst American president??
Dammit, I forgot to see who the thread starter was before I clicked on it! :crash:

Here's a new year's resolution: to discontinue the use of the word "neo-con" on Freeones. :thumbsup:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I second that^^^


Hiliary 2020
Historians, huh? Jimmy Carter seems to be the consensus of most for worst contemporary president. I seem to remember Millard Fillmore, Calvin Coolidge, Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover were ineffective as well. Every president will have his detractors. While W. had his faults, he remained steadfast in his beliefs that what he was doing, while unpopular, was the correct course of action. He knew he was going to take a hit in the polls after making some decisions and he still did what was best.

The person to blame for that whole fiasco with the 2000 election is Goreleone. After every recount in Florida Bush's lead only grew larger. Instead of accepting his loss graciously he went to court and the justices there did the only thing they could do. And afterward Gore did everything in his ability to undermine Bush.

Whereas with Nobama, there seems to be no definitive course except to blame those who have gone before him. That Red Wing stated it succinctly. Move on to another target.

As for me, I'm just going to put you on the ignore list because you give me a case of the ass every time I see something you've posted.

it was elian gonzalez and the clinton/gore/reno sticking a machine gun in the kids face in april 2000 that cost gore the election and changed the past 10 years of world history.

the few hundred thousand florida cubans didnt like that much.
most cubans voted bush that year.
548 votes in favor of bush was the end tally, its safe to say that event cost gore at least that many votes in florida