Matcha sponge cake in English with Japanese pastry chef

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Learn how to bake popular Japanese matcha sponges in English translation! ️ The Japanese chef will teach you carefully. Let's go!
    Whole egg    180g
    White sugar   100g
    Soft flour     90g
    Starachsyrup   12g
    Butter      12g
    Milk       45g
    Green tea powder 8g
    One 18 cm baking mold
    Baking temperature 180 degrees
    Baking time 22 minutes
    ⇒ www.kasho-shimi...
    【菓匠Shimizu オンラインショップ】
    ⇒ shop.kasho-shi...
    ⇒ / @清水慎一マネジメント

Комментарии • 59

  • @ЛюдаБурцева-й7с
    @ЛюдаБурцева-й7с Год назад +2

    Еще один отличный рецепт для выходных..Мне всегда нравятся ваши рецепты....Спасибо.👍👍Another great weekend recipe..I always love your recipes..Thank you.👍👍

  • @MSsweetsfreak
    @MSsweetsfreak 3 года назад +7

    I’m watching this after I messed up my matcha cake. I didn’t understand which step went wrong. Turns out I made a lot of mistakes HAHA I really appreciate how every step was explained along the way in this video, including the proper ways to mix/pour, and the consequences of using wrong technique. Now I know how to fix my mistakes!

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  3 года назад +2

      thank you for positive comments. I am very happy to help you. We will continue to deliver it to your advantage. Please look forward to^ ^

  • @catchung6664
    @catchung6664 3 года назад +3

    I have just made this Matcha cake today. It is nice. Thank you so much for sharing your professional knowledge and the recipe.

  • @iserba.iserba
    @iserba.iserba Год назад +2

    Thank you

  • @immanuelepinoy2294
    @immanuelepinoy2294 2 года назад +2

    We liked it! Thank u so much!

  • @fonnytang
    @fonnytang 11 месяцев назад +1

    🙏Thank you very much!

  • @hyungtae1577
    @hyungtae1577 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for your video,you are really helping me ^^

  • @rebeccawong1
    @rebeccawong1 4 года назад +2

    Well presented. Thank you ☺️

  • @selininwonderland
    @selininwonderland 5 месяцев назад +1

    I did every single step as same as you but only syrup ı did not add. It is in the oven now, let see what will happen when it comes. Arigato gozaymaşte

  • @carolinelee3837
    @carolinelee3837 2 года назад +2

    Hai Chef... I really happy to find this video, many kinds of tips and tricks here. I am a beginner for baking cake. I know that I made many mistake after watching your video😅. Thank you for this channel. Directly I subscribed you. 😁

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  2 года назад +2

      Your comment pleased me.😃
      Thank you very much.❣️
      We plan to increase the number of videos translated into English in the future. Please use all means.👍

    • @carolinelee3837
      @carolinelee3837 2 года назад +1

      @@清水慎一パティシエ yeaayyy..... I am waiting for video in English. I glad to hear that... 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😃😃 Thank you

  • @名無し-y6b
    @名無し-y6b 4 года назад +2


    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назадвидео.html

  • @whyisthislike
    @whyisthislike 4 месяца назад +1

    Can I skip the starch syrup ? I cannot find it here .

  • @luciusluci
    @luciusluci 3 года назад +3

    Hello! Thanks for the recipe :^) can I use honey instead of syrup?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  3 года назад +1

      Thank you for watching^ ^
      Honey contains enzymes and is not recommended. It is best to use starch syrup.

  • @rashichaitanya4090
    @rashichaitanya4090 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hello chef what is starch syrup ? Is it the same as glucose syrup ! Please answer

  • @jeremygoh9559
    @jeremygoh9559 3 года назад +2

    If don’t have starch syrup, what else can we use? Arigato

  • @jeremygoh9559
    @jeremygoh9559 3 года назад +1

    Hi. If using hojicha powder, is the procedure still the same? Arigato

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  3 года назад +1

      The procedure is the same if it is a fine powder with the same shape as matcha powder.Thank you^ ^

  • @ft4686
    @ft4686 4 года назад +2

    What size of eggs do i use? 180g of egg without shells?

  • @yvonnechang3197
    @yvonnechang3197 4 года назад +1

    清水先生 初めまして ありがとうございました、技術をいただきました、質問がありますが、ケーキをたべたとき、dryの感じでしたね、なんとか、何をsponge cakeの面で塗るんですか?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назад +1

      If you mix the flour more tightly, it will be less dry. If you're still worried about dryness, brush the syrup with the same amount of water and sugar.

  • @ft4686
    @ft4686 4 года назад +1

    Does the water from the water bath touch the bottom of the bowl of eggs?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назад +1

      The bottom of the egg bowl is always in contact with the hot water in the water bath. This will warm the eggs.

    • @ft4686
      @ft4686 4 года назад +1

      @@清水慎一パティシエ thank you!

  • @ft4686
    @ft4686 4 года назад +2

    hi! Did you use convection (fan-mode)? Or convention?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назад

      I baked it in a Japanese-made home oven.
      It's not convection oven.

    • @ft4686
      @ft4686 4 года назад +1

      @@清水慎一パティシエ but did you switch on the fan inside? my oven has the option to switch on or off the fan!

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назад +1

      The oven I use doesn't have such a feature. So there is no fan switch.

  • @AnnLim2426
    @AnnLim2426 3 года назад +1

    Hi Chef, If I don’t have starch syrup can I just don’t put it?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  3 года назад

      Syrup is a must. But if you can't get it, substitute another liquid sugar. If you don't add it, you won't get a moist feeling after baking.

    • @AnnLim2426
      @AnnLim2426 3 года назад

      @@清水慎一パティシエ thanks chef for replying my question. I really leaned a lot of techniques from this video. Btw. I just learn baking from RUclips. ☺️

  • @Alex-nu9pf
    @Alex-nu9pf 3 года назад +1

    Is Corn syrup the same as Starch syrup?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  3 года назад +1

      yes you are right. it's same things.

    • @Alex-nu9pf
      @Alex-nu9pf 3 года назад +1

      @@清水慎一パティシエ Thank you so much! I enjoy your wonderful recipes!

  • @merlin6362
    @merlin6362 4 года назад +1

    Hi chef, may I know what starch syrup is?

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назад +1

      Thank you for your message.
      starch syrup means corn starch?
      Corn syrup is a syrup that is made by decomposing corn starch (corn starch) with enzymes and acids into sugar. It has a high glucose content and a high viscosity. It has low water solubility and sweetness is less than half that of granulated sugar.But I won't use it here.The syrup added here is made by heating starch syrup, butter and milk.

    • @merlin6362
      @merlin6362 4 года назад +1

      @@清水慎一パティシエ thank u very much. I will try baking this tomorrow

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  4 года назад

      I hope your work goes well^ ^

  • @ft4686
    @ft4686 3 года назад +1

    my cake didn't brown at the top like yours... what am i doing wrong? :(

  • @Whatisnottaken
    @Whatisnottaken 2 года назад +1

    Monkey see monkey do. But this 🐵 having to read the instructions and watch the video at the same time, got confused and ended up mixing the oil, milk and syrup into the egg which was in the hot bath 😱🫣. Much to my surprise, the cake turned alright 😅.
    Arigato Gozaimas, Chef.

    • @清水慎一パティシエ
      @清水慎一パティシエ  2 года назад

      I will continue to do my best to provide good information as a good text for you.
      Thank you^ ^