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Why are people on MAL so difficult to communicate with

Dec 27, 2017 4:54 PM
Jul 2018
People on MAL, regardless of who they are talking to, exhibit the following behaviors:

-Misunderstanding the point being expressed, no matter how obvious it is

-Posting without adding anything to the thread (usually to solely complain about the existence of the thread, rather than add anything)


-Calling a thread a shitpost/bait, even though by definition, the thread is neither

-Not reading the original post for context, resulting in people asking the OP why they care about the topic, even though the OP has already explained why they do care,
in the original post (See the thread: "Why do anime fans excuse anime that uses light-skinned characters in a setting where they SHOULD be dark skinned?")

-Beating around the bush instead of actually answering what is being asked

-Exaggerating/oversimplifying peoples' opinions

Somehow, I don't notice people being this difficult under Youtube comments...
removed-userDec 28, 2017 7:59 AM
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Dec 27, 2017 4:55 PM

Apr 2015
Probably because you're a nihilistic loner.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Dec 27, 2017 4:56 PM

Aug 2017
I didn't know "shitposting" had its own wikipedia article. Neat.
Dec 27, 2017 4:57 PM

Sep 2009
1. Humans are stupid
2. Most MAL users have poor mastery of the English language (To use English is actually in the rules btw)
3. MAL forum mods are trolls and only serve to aggravate the already troll userbase.
4. MAL users have shit taste.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Dec 27, 2017 4:58 PM

Mar 2015
people have asshole and are asshole... deal with it...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Dec 27, 2017 5:01 PM

Dec 2017
Well I just came into this community, I really don't know much about it Q_Q is it true that people are that mean here ?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 27, 2017 5:02 PM

Sep 2015
Because a lot of your threads often state ideas that others have a stronger counterargument for, or just seem to make pretty bad and ill-informed arguments, yet you stubbornly stick to your guns and give off a vibe that it's inconceivable to you for anybody else to know more about any given topic than you do, whether you actually think that or not.

I mean, I honestly think this is more a you thing than an everybody around you thing, having lurked about many, if not all, of your threads you've made in the past few weeks.

Dec 27, 2017 5:05 PM
Jul 2018
Avatar1234321 said:
People on MAL and people in the anime/otaku community are usually very opinionated about their favourite anime shows and hence often get upset quite easily if someone does not share the same opinion as them. And also because that’s just how humans are.

Can you please explain to me why it's so much easier to communicate with people in real life?
AKA, "normies"?


I've been talking to people in Youtube comment sections for over 2 years, and I'm doing fine enough.
I've just began talking to people on MAL this July, and as you can see, I've already, lost my f*cking mind.


Thank you for adding something legit, to the thread.


Please read the original post, for context on what I am talking about.
removed-userDec 27, 2017 5:08 PM
Dec 27, 2017 5:05 PM

Feb 2016
Wikipedia says it, it must be true guys.
Dec 27, 2017 5:06 PM
Jul 2018
MortalMelancholy said:

3. MAL forum mods are trolls and only serve to aggravate the already troll userbase.

That is no joke. I've been to some poorly moderated forums, but this one takes the cake.

You can basically do or say anything here. As long as you're not creating listing threads, you can sling shit at anyone you want, as many times as you want.
Some people even brag about chastising other users. No one cares.

So yeah, this is the place to shitpost. Welcome to MAL. Don't take it seriously.
Dec 27, 2017 5:10 PM

Jul 2015
I don't know of any online interaction in which people are even the slightest bit civil. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, all the other social media platforms. So now that we know this is an internet thing, why is it hard to communicate in a civilized fashion with people on the internet?
Its because of the physical and psychological distance apart we all are from each other. I suffer absolutely zero consequences by being an absolute prick over the internet, because its completely anonymous; none of you know what I look like; you don't know my name; you don't know where I'm from; we will never meet each other. Because of all these levels of safety shielding me from any backlash for my actions, I -- and when I say "I" I'm referring to everyone on the internet -- have no driving force pushing me to censor myself, which is much easier than interacting with people in a polite and reserved fashion.
People often don't realize how much talking to someone face to face constrains their agency and what they choose to do and say, and when all of those features are gone, all we have is the "ID", so to speak, running wild.
Dec 27, 2017 5:12 PM

Sep 2015
NihilisticLoner said:

Please read the original post, for context on what I am talking about.

I did. It comes across like you're just complaining that a lot of your threads tend to get dismantled by this site's userbase and just treating it as if "people are misinterpreting you" or not taking your threads seriously, whenever I add the context of who's saying these things into the equation. The discussions usually tend to play out with you making a thread, somebody (or some people) coming in and taking your arguments apart because they're not usually the best ones to make, and then you seem to get really stubborn and dismissive and begin tossing out things like you've already done in this thread with very little in the way of meaningful substantiation in the vein of why you think they're doing this to you. It's really, really difficult to see this in any other way, having watched you interact with others on this board before.

I don't disagree that AD is shit, but again, from watching your threads play out from a distance it does seem like you're just pinning your frustrations on having your threads dismantled by better arguments so often onto everybody around you here. I see no reason not to treat it accordingly.

If you want to discuss things, then by all means, do so. You haven't really discussed anything with anybody on this board yet, a lot of your counterpoints have been just plugging your ears to whatever other people are saying, and that is not how discussion works.

Dec 27, 2017 5:13 PM
Jan 2014
Lmao is TC really trying to bait people with this shitpost just cause he got rekt in his dumb SJW thread?
Dec 27, 2017 5:14 PM

Dec 2017
Oh gosh... MAL is worse than youtube comment section... then.. well it's kinda scary o_o'
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 27, 2017 5:16 PM
Jul 2018
Manaban said:
NihilisticLoner said:

Please read the original post, for context on what I am talking about.

I did. It comes across like you're just complaining that a lot of your threads tend to get dismantled by this site's userbase and just treating it as if "people are misinterpreting you" or not taking your threads seriously, whenever I add the context of who's saying these things into the equation. The discussions usually tend to play out with you making a thread, somebody (or some people) coming in and taking your arguments apart because they're not usually the best ones to make, and then you seem to get really stubborn and dismissive and begin tossing out things like you've already done in this thread with very little in the way of meaningful substantiation in the vein of why you think they're doing this to you. It's really, really difficult to see this in any other way, having watched you interact with others on this board before.

I don't disagree that AD is shit, but again, from watching your threads play out from a distance it does seem like you're just pinning your frustrations on having your threads dismantled by better arguments so often onto everybody around you here. I see no reason not to treat it accordingly.

If you want to discuss things, then by all means, do so. You haven't really discussed anything with anybody on this board yet, a lot of your counterpoints have been just plugging your ears to whatever other people are saying, and that is not how discussion works.

How do my arguments or threads have anything to do with the behaviors that people express?
How am I the cause of, namecalling, misunderstanding what's being said, exaggerating what people say, etc?
What does people making posts that add NOTHING TO THE DISCUSSION, have anything to do with me (see post #5, #14, #17)
Dec 27, 2017 5:17 PM

Feb 2015
Well I admit I have done most of those things... But manly because this is where cancer comes to mingle...

That's just the quick response... In reality it's a very complex psychological thing... I mean I'll explain it but only if you're interested... Cuz it's gonna be long
Dec 27, 2017 5:19 PM

Aug 2017
I mean, why would anyone want to socialize with someone that has their profile plastered in how much you hate this site's community while staying on this site?

If its that awful, leave, simple as. Or just don't use the forums. You're not an angel yourself, reading your previous posts. You sound just as apathetic, negative and trollish as anyone else and just as on-topic and positive as anyone else.

Dec 27, 2017 5:23 PM
Jul 2018
Vurahn said:
I mean, why would anyone want to socialize with someone that has their profile plastered in how much you hate this site's community while staying on this site?

If its that awful, leave, simple as. Or just don't use the forums. You're not an angel yourself, reading your previous posts. You sound just as apathetic, negative and trollish as anyone else and just as on-topic and positive as anyone else.


How am I being a, "troll" or, "going off-topic"?
I sure as hell am negative, I'll give you that.
Dec 27, 2017 5:28 PM

Aug 2017
NihilisticLoner said:
Vurahn said:
I mean, why would anyone want to socialize with someone that has their profile plastered in how much you hate this site's community while staying on this site?

If its that awful, leave, simple as. Or just don't use the forums. You're not an angel yourself, reading your previous posts. You sound just as apathetic, negative and trollish as anyone else and just as on-topic and positive as anyone else.


How am I being a, "troll" or, "going off-topic"?
I sure as hell am negative, I'll give you that.

I'm referring to in general. Going through your post history a bit, you dont seem much different than what I'd expect from anyone else.

And people don't typically like interacting with negative people, as a general rule.

But saying "EVERYONE ON MAL IS A SHITTY PERSON, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE FRIENDS HERE", thats not...gonna help you. At all. lel
Dec 27, 2017 5:29 PM

Sep 2015
NihilisticLoner said:
How do my arguments or threads have anything to do with the behaviors that people express?
How am I the cause of, namecalling, misunderstanding what's being said, exaggerating what people say, etc?
What does people making posts that add NOTHING TO THE DISCUSSION, have anything to do with me (see post #5, #14, #17)

1. Because you're the one making the thread and you're the one essentially setting the course for how it goes. Your threads have always seemed to be made in earnest, but because you've yet to make a really good argument in one of them, they get dismantled by somebody more knowledgeable on the topic or better at expressing their feelings on the topic, to which you have responded by accusing everybody of just not listening to you, misinterpreting your point, etc etc., numerous times in the past already. Then they delve into an actual shithole aside from just a few meaningless one-liners being dropped at the thread's inception - which isn't even all that bad of a thing to happen, really.

2. AD is a shithole. Internet discussions aren't particularly civil. Nihil sub sole novum.

Your approach to discussion has only stoked this in the past, from what I've seen, and you do have a tendency to just get frustrated and bogged down whenever people begin to argue what you say and then handle as much in a way that only comes across as stubborn or even outright silly at times, if one would just take a look at @NoobAsian's current forum signature for an example of this. That discussion wasn't even particularly bad, either, it was just evolving and growing into new branches of topics being discussed and whenever it fell out of your favor you just began threatening to report people for derailing said thread and saying stuff like that.

I think you're much less innocent in your bad experience on this board than you're claiming yourself to be, is what I'm getting at here. Not saying AD is a bastion of purity, but you've rarely done anything except exacerbate issues with discussion on this board with your responses to people's arguments against your own.

3. You're not really in a position to decide what constitutes a post adding nothing to a discussion, especially since my post was expressing the issues with your attitude I believe to have led you to grow so frustrated with this site to where your current about me looks like it does, rather than just a polemic one liner calling you autistic or something.

In fact, adding a post that is actually discussing the topic at hand and how it applies to the individual making the thread is only really kind of strengthening the point I'm making about why your communication with this board has been so horrible throughout your time you've been trying to discuss things here - because the only posts that you'll ever consider worthwhile are the ones you agree with, and ones that fall outside of your established views or are saying things you might not really like hearing are always, 100% of the time, without failure, either adding nothing to the discussion or are misinterpreting what you're saying, even when, y'know, they're not. When you don't like hearing something, you just begin acting like this. If you think that's going to please anybody and is in any way going to be considered an acceptable form of communicating with those around you, then that's just outright unrealistic.

Also, if #14 is irrelevant to the discussion to you, then that just makes it seem like you operate under the belief that discussion is railroaded to a singular topic and cannot evolve into discussing other aspects of it aside from what's presented in the OP. Discussion is not static, it does tend to evolve as it goes along, and that post is very much discussing the moderation of this site's role in this board and the potential effect it has on why things are as bad as they are. It is entirely relevant to the topic and the discussion at hand. Which, again, I've seen you go on rants about people going off-topic before whenever they were very viable and relevant topics to discuss in a thread like this and yet here you are, posting about how terrible everybody's communication skills are on this board when so many of the problems you've faced have been a result of your atrocious approach to actually discussing things to begin with.
ManabanDec 27, 2017 6:08 PM

Dec 27, 2017 5:31 PM

May 2016
Because we are all a bunch of greedy, arrogant, sadistic assholes who don't give a fuck about anyone or anything and everyone here thinks he is the best

Welcome to MAL forums homie, hope you enjoy your stay
NasDec 27, 2017 5:38 PM
~ Nas, The "OG Bulgarian"~
Formerly known as:
~ Gokuvich, The "OG Bulgarian"~
Dec 27, 2017 5:31 PM

Jul 2015
OP: Your concerns about the status of this forum are a gross exaggeration

1- Specific anime discussions at the specific anime forums are quite well behaved. I hardly see episode discussions turning south.

2- This forum already discussed hundreds of times the same topics, leaving only controversial/bait materials available.

3- If people are trolling/shitposting an OP. It might be 99% of the time:
3a- OP is a regular troll, people will care less about the contents and more about who posted it
3b- The topic was discussed several times and people are fed up. Example: That guy who keeps opening threads about harem with 2 MC leads.

1% will be crucified for no reason. I'm OK with that. To be honest, you are in the 1% that should be OK to troll because you just opened a blog post to rant and it is not related to ANIME DISCUSSION even if your post has some content that we are able to discuss.

Dec 27, 2017 5:39 PM

Apr 2017
Manaban said:
NihilisticLoner said:
How do my arguments or threads have anything to do with the behaviors that people express?
How am I the cause of, namecalling, misunderstanding what's being said, exaggerating what people say, etc?
What does people making posts that add NOTHING TO THE DISCUSSION, have anything to do with me (see post #5, #14, #17)

1. Because you're the one making the thread and you're the one essentially setting the course for how it goes. Your threads have always seemed to be made in earnest, but because you've yet to make a really good argument in one of them, they get dismantled by somebody more knowledgeable on the topic or better at expressing their feelings on the topic, to which you have responded by accusing everybody of just not listening to you, misinterpreting your point, etc etc., numerous times in the past already. Then they delve into an actual shithole aside from just a few meaningless one-liners being dropped at the thread's inception - which isn't even all that bad of a thing to happen, really.

2. AD is a shithole. Internet discussions aren't particularly civil. Nihil sub sole novum.

Your approach to discussion has only stoked this in the past, from what I've seen, and you do have a tendency to just get frustrated and bogged down whenever people begin to argue what you say and then handle as much in a way that only comes across as stubborn or even outright silly at times, if one would just take a look at @NoobAsian's current forum signature for an example of this. That discussion wasn't even particularly bad, either, it was just evolving and growing into new branches of topics being discussed and whenever it fell out of your favor you just began threatening to report people for derailing said thread and saying stuff like that.

I think you're much less innocent in your bad experience on this board than you're claiming yourself to be, is what I'm getting at here. Not saying AD is a bastion of purity, but you've rarely done anything except exacerbate issues with discussion on this board with your responses to people's arguments against your own.

3. You're not really in a position to decide what constitutes a post adding nothing to a discussion, especially since my post was expressing the issues with your attitude I believe to have led you to grow so frustrated with this site to where your current about me looks like it does, rather than just a polemic one liner calling you autistic or something.

In fact, adding a post that is actually discussing the topic at hand and how it applies to the individual making the thread is only really kind of strengthening the point I'm making about why your communication with this board has been so horrible throughout your time you've been trying to discuss things here - because the only posts that you'll ever consider worthwhile are the ones you agree with, and ones that fall outside of your established views or are saying things you might not really like hearing are always, 100% of the time, without failure, either adding nothing to the discussion or are misinterpreting what you're saying, even when, y'know, they're not. When you don't like hearing something, you just begin acting like this. If you think that's going to please anybody and is in any way going to be considered an acceptable form of communicating with those around you, then that's just outright unrealistic.

Also, if #14 is irrelevant to the discussion to you, then that just makes it seem like you operate under the belief that discussion is railroaded to a singular topic and cannot evolve into discussing other aspects of it aside from what's presented in the OP. Discussion is not static, it does tend to evolve as it goes along.

In Fact... I felt.. my humanity.. last long after reading this

AdrianRubinsky said:
OP: Your concerns about the status of this forum are a gross exaggeration

1- Specific anime discussions at the specific anime forums are quite well behaved. I hardly see episode discussions turning south.

2- This forum already discussed hundreds of times the same topics, leaving only controversial/bait materials available.

3- If people are trolling/shitposting an OP. It might be 99% of the time:
3a- OP is a regular troll, people will care less about the contents and more about who posted it
3b- The topic was discussed several times and people are fed up. Example: That guy who keeps opening threads about harem with 2 MC leads.

1% will be crucified for no reason. I'm OK with that. To be honest, you are in the 1% that should be OK to troll because you just opened a blog post to rant and it is not related to ANIME DISCUSSION even if your post has some content that we are able to discuss.

Leaving aside, OP is such a retarded snowflake...

"Think about that glowing dust
That destroys the night sky's dream of
Just being nothing"
Dec 27, 2017 5:40 PM

Feb 2010
When everyone is being 'difficult to communicate with' it just means the fault is most likely with your way of communication rather than literally everyone else being at fault and you being the only normal human being. But it's always easier to blame others I guess.
I probably regret this post by now.
Dec 27, 2017 5:41 PM

Sep 2017
i'm the best mal user. it's an objective opinion.
Edward Elric > your waifu

Dec 27, 2017 5:46 PM

Sep 2016
You should really not take this place seriously. If you don't like it, just go somewhere else to discuss your anime. I do! I'm just here for the shitposting.
Dec 27, 2017 5:49 PM

May 2010
Manaban said:
Because a lot of your threads often state ideas that others have a stronger counterargument for, or just seem to make pretty bad and ill-informed arguments, yet you stubbornly stick to your guns and give off a vibe that it's inconceivable to you for anybody else to know more about any given topic than you do, whether you actually think that or not.

I mean, I honestly think this is more a you thing than an everybody around you thing, having lurked about many, if not all, of your threads you've made in the past few weeks.

I understand what you're implying but you can't claim that AD isn't full of cancerous people. I mean even I tend to experience similar results. I notice anyone who tends to go against the general direction of the community face fierce backlash.

If anyone does not love the Lord
Jesus Christ
Let him be accursed
O Lord, Amen!
Dec 27, 2017 5:57 PM

Sep 2015
Johan said:
Manaban said:
Because a lot of your threads often state ideas that others have a stronger counterargument for, or just seem to make pretty bad and ill-informed arguments, yet you stubbornly stick to your guns and give off a vibe that it's inconceivable to you for anybody else to know more about any given topic than you do, whether you actually think that or not.

I mean, I honestly think this is more a you thing than an everybody around you thing, having lurked about many, if not all, of your threads you've made in the past few weeks.

I understand what you're implying but you can't claim that AD isn't full of cancerous people. I mean even I tend to experience similar results. I notice anyone who tends to go against the general direction of the community face fierce backlash.

No, I think AD is a total shithole and I'm not saying anything to the contrary of that specifically. I'm only saying what I am after having witnessed the OP's handling of discussion in the past giving me the impression that the fault doesn't entirely lie with AD in this instance.

Dec 27, 2017 5:59 PM

May 2010
Manaban said:
Johan said:

I understand what you're implying but you can't claim that AD isn't full of cancerous people. I mean even I tend to experience similar results. I notice anyone who tends to go against the general direction of the community face fierce backlash.

No, AD is a total shithole and I'm not saying anything to the contrary of that specifically. I'm only saying what I am after having witnessed the OP's handling of discussion giving me the impression that the fault doesn't entirely lie with AD in this instance.

Yeah' I'd have to agree with you. Kinda reminds me of that one guy Chickipichi, or whatever his name was lol.

Maybe I gotta make a thread again to liven this place up a bit ;]

If anyone does not love the Lord
Jesus Christ
Let him be accursed
O Lord, Amen!
Dec 27, 2017 6:01 PM

Sep 2015
Johan said:
Maybe I gotta make a thread again to liven this place up a bit ;]

please no

AD has been quite not good as of late as is ._.

Dec 27, 2017 6:04 PM

Aug 2017
Johan said:
Manaban said:

No, AD is a total shithole and I'm not saying anything to the contrary of that specifically. I'm only saying what I am after having witnessed the OP's handling of discussion giving me the impression that the fault doesn't entirely lie with AD in this instance.

Yeah' I'd have to agree with you. Kinda reminds me of that one guy Chickipichi, or whatever his name was lol.

Maybe I gotta make a thread again to liven this place up a bit ;]

can you not, a positive AD would make me uncomfortable and out of my pre-2000 safe space, kthx
Dec 27, 2017 6:07 PM

May 2010
Manaban said:
Johan said:
Maybe I gotta make a thread again to liven this place up a bit ;]

please no

AD has been quite not good as of late as is ._.

Isn't that why Jimmykudo3000 is required? :)
Vurahn said:
Johan said:

Yeah' I'd have to agree with you. Kinda reminds me of that one guy Chickipichi, or whatever his name was lol.

Maybe I gotta make a thread again to liven this place up a bit ;]

can you not, a positive AD would make me uncomfortable and out of my pre-2000 safe space, kthx

Incoming thread from the chosen one <3

If anyone does not love the Lord
Jesus Christ
Let him be accursed
O Lord, Amen!
Dec 27, 2017 6:08 PM
Aug 2016
Hayushi said:
Well I just came into this community, I really don't know much about it Q_Q is it true that people are that mean here ?

Not everyone, but almost everyone.

And I guess you just probably communicate with people who may have similar interests whether if its anime related or just life in general or something like that.

Dec 27, 2017 7:15 PM

Apr 2015
AdrianRubinsky said:
1- Specific anime discussions at the specific anime forums are quite well behaved. I hardly see episode discussions turning south.

Not as toxic as AD etc, but most of them don't really have discussions. They're just opinion threads
Personally no problem with that
Dec 27, 2017 7:19 PM

Feb 2015
Is it just me or your drama is getting better and better now? I mean, it's like... why bother when you can choose who you want to communicate with in the first place... You're making everything like one of thise critically acclaimed novels you read.

Anyway this thread reminds me of that certain user who also rants the shit out of FG

AdrianRubinsky said:
OP: Your concerns about the status of this forum are a gross exaggeration

1- Specific anime discussions at the specific anime forums are quite well behaved. I hardly see episode discussions turning south.

2- This forum already discussed hundreds of times the same topics, leaving only controversial/bait materials available.

3- If people are trolling/shitposting an OP. It might be 99% of the time:
3a- OP is a regular troll, people will care less about the contents and more about who posted it
3b- The topic was discussed several times and people are fed up. Example: That guy who keeps opening threads about harem with 2 MC leads.

1% will be crucified for no reason. I'm OK with that. To be honest, you are in the 1% that should be OK to troll because you just opened a blog post to rant and it is not related to ANIME DISCUSSION even if your post has some content that we are able to discuss.

I've seen that thread about harem series having 2 Male MC... And I just couldn't get my head around it. Also, basically AD has been for so long that even new users will see patterns on how many repetitive threads has been created. Clubs, probably are also better alternative... :/

_Ako_Dec 27, 2017 7:23 PM
Dec 27, 2017 7:20 PM

Jan 2013
this is a specific place you need to adjust to in order to survive, sorry not sorry
Dec 27, 2017 7:22 PM

Mar 2016
NihilisticLoner said:
I see people exhibit less of these problems under YOUTUBE F*CKING COMMENT SECTIONS!!!

You're not you when you're hungry..
"Wonder is always difficult until you forgive whoever destroyed your love of surprises"  Edmond Manning

Dec 27, 2017 7:23 PM

Jul 2010
most users usually talk via profile messages/private
dlee342Dec 27, 2017 7:32 PM
Dec 27, 2017 7:23 PM

Mar 2017
I think to lopsidedly blame one party for a miscommunication is inherently the wrong approach. If you wonder why you aren't understood properly it's because you fail to clearly communicate your ideas and people proceed to assume the worst. While it is fair to say that both sides should attempt to fix their behavior, it is a lot easier for you to be more clear and concise than for the entire userbase start giving their fellow users the benefit of the doubt.

come, you sweet hour of death
Dec 27, 2017 7:23 PM
May 2016
Welcome to the internet, my friend. There is no humanity here. I've learnt to not give a crap about what most people say and just type whatever I'm thinking. Put more attention into the few who do communicate properly. It's a minority but it can be strong when used in the right way.
Dec 27, 2017 8:20 PM

Sep 2016
NihilisticLoner said:

Shitpost: "is the act of posting large amounts of content of "aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality" to an online forum or social network, in some cases intended to derail discussions or otherwise make the site unusable to its regular visitors."


Perfect example: this thread. We're in the Anime Discussion section, reading/replying to a thread about communicating.

NihilisticLoner said:
Bait: "an internet slang term used to describe comments or opinions which are considered to be made purposefully to troll other posters or to start a flame war"


Again, see this thread. You imply that you are innocent and that everyone else is at fault, with this communication "problem" this thread is about.

NihilisticLoner said:
By those definitions, I am not baiting or shitposting.

Fixed it for you.

NihilisticLoner said:
Whenever I'm talking about anime with almost anybody on MAL, people exhibit the following:

-Misunderstanding the point being expressed, no matter how obvious it is

-Posting without adding anything to the thread (usually to solely complain about the existence of the thread, rather than add anything)


-Calling a thread a shitpost/bait, even though by definition, the thread is neither

-Not reading the original post for context, resulting in people asking the OP why they care about the topic, even though the OP has already explained why they do care,
in the original post (See the thread: "Why do anime fans excuse anime that uses light-skinned characters in a setting where they SHOULD be dark skinned?")

-Beating around the bush instead of actually answering what is being asked

-Exaggerating/oversimplifying peoples' opinions

I won't deny that SOME people fit one or more of those examples in your various threads, but not EVERYONE.
I suggest you let those particular posts go without a reply from you, and focus only on the ones that actually address the topic you made.
As the saying goes... Don't feed the trolls.

NihilisticLoner said:
Why. Why is it that if I go out, try to actually socialize, I can meet actual people, discuss anime with them, without any of them doing any of the things that I have listed above?

One of the biggest reasons is that you're talking face to face. Replies and rebuttals happen in real-time, not whenever someone gets around to reading & deciding to reply. Things tend to stay on-topic better, or at least don't get derailed as far.
Another reason is that people "discuss" differently in person than from behind a keyboard.
Here's an example... you're discussing anime with someone you met while at a bar. At some point they consider calling you a retard or special snowflake. They're more likely to get their teeth knocked out for that, so chances are they'll choose their words better, or at least keep their insults to themselves.

NihilisticLoner said:
For crying out loud, it's easier to communicate with people under YOUTUBE F*CKING COMMENT SECTIONS!!! You heard me right. I see people exhibit less of these problems under YOUTUBE F*CKING COMMENT SECTIONS!!!

#1 This isn't YouTube
#2 As someone already pointed out in this thread, MAL is a place where people are more serious about anime (likes/dislikes/etc), at least in higher concentration than places like YouTube that are more diverse with the focus of the site.
#3 A comment section is just that, comments. Not a wall of text in every 3rd comment/reply.
#4 You're leaving out the part about how there's "shitposters", "baiters", "trolls", "off-topic comments" etc, there as well. It's not like those things are exclusive to MAL, or even exclusive to your threads.

If you only approach a "discussion" to hear your opinion echoed by others, you'll be disappointed every time.
You're never too old to watch anime.
If I ever stop watching anime, check my pulse I'm likely dead.

I wake up with coffee & anime, I go to sleep with coffee & anime.

Sorry if my sarcasm is bad, it's not my first language.

Dec 27, 2017 8:21 PM

Jun 2015
Well one thing that does not help is in previous posts you sometimes completely dismiss people that have a different opinion than you. You could always just ignore the people that annoy you.
Dec 27, 2017 8:28 PM

Aug 2015
Because so far there is indeed many forum that people categorized as "shitpost" and "bait", but isn't that what it really is? For ex: " Anime A is so great, why couldn't anyone understand it?" "Anime B vs Anime C, which one is better?" "Why is everyone so attracted to anime D?"

And those kinds of forum fits the definition of "shitpost" and "bait".. IMO

Vurahn said:
I didn't know "shitposting" had its own wikipedia article. Neat.
I clicked it right away out of curiosity.. Lol XD

I'm starting to get embarrassed by my own forum signature line.. XD
Dec 27, 2017 8:36 PM

Nov 2014
NihilisticLoner said:
Not reading the original post for context, resulting in people asking the OP why they care about the topic, even though the OP has already explained why they do care,
in the original post (See the thread: "Why do anime fans excuse anime that uses light-skinned characters in a setting where they SHOULD be dark skinned?")
"Who do you care?!?!" has two meanings. The questioning of why the OP cares if not really asking why the OP cares, but a subtle assertion the person doesn't care and that the OP shouldn't care. Basically trying to tell you that the idea of having a mental racial quota is your head is wrong and kinda racist (which it is).

NihilisticLoner said:
Why. Why is it that if I go out, try to actually socialize, I can meet actual people, discuss anime with them, without any of them doing any of the things that I have listed above?
A combination of factors. You choosing your friends. Not having the anonymity of the Internet which encourages trolling. Speech being easier to digest than texts.

NihilisticLoner said:
For crying out loud, it's easier to communicate with people under YOUTUBE F*CKING COMMENT SECTIONS!!! You heard me right. I see people exhibit less of these problems under YOUTUBE F*CKING COMMENT SECTIONS!!!
A hyperbolic statement at best, inaccurate at worst. I have maybe 1 lengthy discussion with someone on YouTube with months in between. I'll have a short fruitful exchange back and forth maybe every few weeks? On MAL, I'm a PM away from a long discussion about anime. You'll even run into longer more meaningful posts maybe every few days.

You'll save yourself some trouble if you ignore certain posts of people here, which is easier to accomplish given the limited pool of users here (unlike YouTube).
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Dec 27, 2017 8:43 PM

Jan 2017
I don't know. People here seem to be pretty civil and reasonable. Maybe the problem is with you.
My name is 3DPD and this is my Internet forum signature. If there's anything I've learned in 21 years of using Internet forums, it's that life is meaningless and nothing we say or do here will matter in the grand scheme of things.
Dec 27, 2017 8:51 PM
Jan 2016
I think you should've posted this on the Casual Discussion. Because this is not about any anime.
Dec 27, 2017 8:51 PM

Aug 2016
I've actually tried having real discussions with you in a couple of your previous threads. Here's how it went both times:

1. You posted your topic.
2. I eventually noticed, carefully read your post, and replied to the best of my ability stating my view on the subject.
3. You replied once after reading it, either directly or indirectly prompting me to clarify one or more of my points.
4. I replied making the necessary clarifications.
5. The conversation didn't continue beyond that.

Yes, some people are just using the anonymity of the internet as a means to troll you, and some people are just skimming what you're saying because they don't feel like reading walls of text. I will concede that there are people like that here.

But it's unfair to make the statement that everyone is like this, because there have been plenty, myself included, that have been perfectly willing to discuss and debate (notice the word choice of "debate", not "argue") with you about the issues you bring up. Not once have I seen you continue any discussion with any single individual, even those willing to have a proper conversation, beyond a couple of reply posts.
Dec 27, 2017 8:54 PM

Dec 2015
Hayushi said:
Well I just came into this community, I really don't know much about it Q_Q is it true that people are that mean here ?

It's like in every community... you have the "cool" assholes, and then the assholes...
Dec 27, 2017 8:58 PM

Dec 2017
Hayushi said:
Well I just came into this community, I really don't know much about it Q_Q is it true that people are that mean here ?

I'm not sure honestly. I've never spent much time in the forums, instead keeping mainly to tracking my anime, but in the few cases I have been active on the forums I haven't really encountered much toxicity.
shikinoutaDec 27, 2017 9:43 PM
Dec 27, 2017 8:59 PM

Jan 2017
yourbraveshine said:
Hayushi said:
Well I just came into this community, I really don't know much about it Q_Q is it true that people are that mean here ?

I'm not sure honestly. I've never spent much time in the forums, instead keeping mainly to tracking my anime, but in the few cases I have been active on the forums I haven't really encountered much toxicity.

Yeah. This forum is a relatively friendly place.
3DPDDec 27, 2017 9:52 PM
My name is 3DPD and this is my Internet forum signature. If there's anything I've learned in 21 years of using Internet forums, it's that life is meaningless and nothing we say or do here will matter in the grand scheme of things.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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