Unwanted guests
3 years ago
It isn't a strange part of life to sometimes have people come into your room when you don't want them there. Could be parents reminding you of chores when you're younger, could be siblings wanting to spend some time with you while you're working on projects.
In my case, it could be the biggest velutine wasp (aka murder hornet) I have ever had the misfortune of laying eyes upon. There i was, minding my own business, working on some commissions when I take my headphones off, grab my water jug and turn around in my chair in order to find myself face-to-face with the buzziest, most droning murder hornet I've ever seen.
One hell of a way to wake up, let me tell you all that much...
In my case, it could be the biggest velutine wasp (aka murder hornet) I have ever had the misfortune of laying eyes upon. There i was, minding my own business, working on some commissions when I take my headphones off, grab my water jug and turn around in my chair in order to find myself face-to-face with the buzziest, most droning murder hornet I've ever seen.
One hell of a way to wake up, let me tell you all that much...
Had adrenaline for breakfast though.