I've been doing astrological charts since the 60's. It's always seemed to work for me. For example, ideas about astrological sexual and romantic compatability rarely are wrong from my experience. For the guy who had wildly different experiences with two different women born close together, realize that a person's rising sign changes every two hours, so each planet can be in a different house (area of life) every two hours or so. The moon, which spends only 2 1/2 days in a sign, symbolizes emotional life. So, in that case, it's likely to have moved into the next sign, likely very different.
Here are a few generalities:
I've noticed that women with Venus in Aquarius are likely to enjoy unusual sexual encounters, at least in the short term.
Women with Venus in Scorpio are likely to have been somewhat promiscuous, but (as with any Scorpio placement) are likely to have kept it hidden, because they want a sense of control.
Anyone with Moon in Scorpio is likely to be very comfortable with sex (which seems entirely natural to them) and good at it. But, as with other Scorpio placements, feelings go deep, so they may not be as open to swinging etc. Moon in Scorpios are not as controling as Sun Scorpios, and are helpful about sex (sexual healing people), but are less willing to share sex on a group basis. They are willing to be serially promiscuous and to do three-ways etc.
For my money, the signs likely to be comfortable with groups or more large scale swinging are likely to be people with many fire or air sign placements: Aries, Gemini, Libra (less so because of "niceness"), Sagitarius, Aquarius, and not the Sun sign necessarily-- more likely the Moon, Mars, and Venus.
Scropio rising can induce kinkiness (concentrating energy on something symbolic - e.g. big cock) as can placements in Capricorn, e.g. Moon, Mars, Venus. I won't even try to get into aspects here--planetary relationships.